Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Different Theorists Have Different Ideas About The...

Different theorists have different ideas about the development of children. Two of these include Urie Brofenbrenner and Mason Durie. The western theorist, Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005) was born in Russia however was relocated to the United States in his early years, where his father worked as a clinical pathologist. This is likely to have impacted on Bronfenbrenners future career path of psychology (Moffitt, n.d.). Bronfenbrenner explores the ideas around ecological theory. A Maori perspective is Durie, born in New Zealand in 1938. He studied medicine and surgery at University of Otago, and continued on to do a postgraduate diploma in psychiatry (Massey University, 2010). Durie explores ideas around Maori wellbeing. Both of these theorists have implications on teaching. Bronfenbrenners main theory is the ecological theory, which was developed in 1979, with the idea of the individual surrounded by 5 different systems, to explain the effect of the environment on children (Williams, n.d.). These complex systems are all interacting, therefore influencing and impacting the childrens lives through behaviours and attitudes (Sincero, 2012). The model is made up of 5 circles with each circle representing a different level, with the individual in the middle. Each level goes further away from the individual, in relation to its contact with the child, Bronfenbrenner (2005, as cited in Claibourne, Drewery, Paki Chu, 2014) refers to it as â€Å"a change in developmental focus from theShow MoreRelatedPiaget Of A Child s Brain Development Theory1057 Words   |  5 Pagesconstantly learning about new theories and expanding the knowledge on those that we already know, about the physical and mental development of Children. Through past and present theorists, we are shown whole new aspects of how a child develops to make up the being that they become. 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